Topics ------ Topics allow you to describe subsets of your model, to make it easier for people to learn about your model. The Sphinx documentation generator creates a section of documentation for each topic. This section includes links to each item type contained in the topic, as well as a diagram showing the relationships among the item types. Topic Index ~~~~~~~~~~~ To include topics, create a topic index file named :file:`{baseDirectory}/Topics/index.txt`. This file should contain the name of one topic per line. Each topic gets its own folder as described below. Individual Topics Definitions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A topic is defined in a folder named :file:`{baseDirectory}/Topics/{TopicName}`. Be sure to replace *TopicName* with the name of your topic, which should also be included in the topic index file. Each topic folder contains two files. items.txt ''''''''' :file:`{baseDirectory}/Topics/{TopicName}/items.txt` is a plain text file with the name of one item type per line. readme.markdown ''''''''''''''' The :file:`{baseDirectory}/Topics/{TopicName}/readme.markdown` file contains text to describe your topic. .. seealso:: See for a primer on using markdown to format text.