Modeler's Guide =============== With COGS, you can specify your information model in plain text. This section describes the text and CSV files that define your model. A COGS model consists of the following core components. :doc:`item-types` Item types are the identified entities in your model. They consist of definitions and properties. :doc:`composite-types` Composite types are complex types used as data types, but they are not identified. :doc:`settings` Settings define project-level information, including things like the title of your model, copyright information, and more. :doc:`topics` Topics allow you to describe subsets of your model, to make it easier for people to learn about your model. :doc:`articles` Articles allow you to include extra content in the documentation that is generated for your model. :doc:`primitive-types` COGS provides a number of primitive types you can use to define properties on items in your model. .. toctree:: :hidden: item-types composite-types settings topics articles primitive-types identification