Articles -------- Articles allow you to include extra content in the documentation that is generated for your model. Each article is a reStructuredText file, and is included in the Sphinx documentation. .. seealso:: For details on editing reStructuredText, see toc.txt ~~~~~~~ To include an article in the top level table of contents generated by Sphinx, you can include the path of the article in the :file:`{baseDirectory}/Articles/toc.txt` file. This file contains one path per line. Example Layout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As an example, assume the following directory structure. * *baseDirectory*/ * Articles/ * toc.txt * about/ * index.rst * contact-us.rst * license.rst In this case, the :file:`toc.txt` file might contain a reference to ``about/index``. The rest of the files do not need to be added because they can be references from the :file:`about/index.rst` file.